
I am a creative, empathetic, mindfulness-based stress reduction specialist
and accredited resilience-based mental health peer support worker and supervisor.

During 2016 mindfulness found me, and I have embraced daily meditation practices into my self-care routine ever since. Since discovering the benefits of complementary therapies over 30 years ago, I have explored many methodologies and sacred pathways that continue to inspire my work, which is rooted in my own practice and life experience.

In 2018 as a single parent caring for a loved one suffering from mental ill-health, I received support from Skills for Care to begin training at Bangor Universities Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP). Now registered on CMRP’s teacher training pathway which enables me to incorporate mindfulness techniques throughout my work and deliver Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programmes, in line with the UK’s good practice guidelines, to the general public including individuals experiencing mental health difficulties. I specialise in supporting mental health carers, working in nature I integrate eco-therapy into my sessions.

Throughout my career, I have used my lived experience to mentor my peers, and in 2021, I received ‘With-You’ Peer Support training as part of a Trailblazer project funded by Health Education England.  Now an accredited senior peer support worker and supervisor, I am part of the lived experience workforce team, employed by South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust.  I work on their peer project supported by Health Education England and Making Life Better Together, plus the Trust’s cultural change programme. During this project, I have developed well-being support groups for Mental Health Carers as well as one-to-ones and workshops with a focus on recovery. These services offer help to people who benefit from being alongside others with similar experiences of caring for loved ones suffering from mental ill-health.  Bringing a unique mixture of skills, lived experience and creativity to my work my services also contributed to the amplification of the carer’s voice through poetry and art plus enabled community cohesion through networking events. 

If you would like to work with me please get in contact

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