Learn How to Master 
The Art of Mindfulness

Through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
[MBSR] programmes with Zoë  

My MBSR programmes teach individuals how to cultivate an awareness in the mind and body, the science and attitudinal foundations of mindfulness-based stress reduction, the territories of stress, and incorporating mindfulness practices and exercises enabling mindfulness in everyday life.

Bringing my unique mixture of skills, lived experience, empathy and creativity to my programmes I specialise in supporting mental health carers to facilitate their recovery and build resilience, working in natural environments I integrate eco-therapy into my work.

‘Zoe’s skill is to listen and then pull disparate problems, thoughts and contributions into an overview, a summing up and reflecting back of where we all are in that moment. She has given us techniques to handle stress and shown us how to sit with things that we can’t change at that time. This has been so valuable to me as I am a fixer and would often be chasing around expending unnecessary energy and emotion, energy that I need to get through each day.’

– Jane, Carer

If you would like to work with me please get in contact

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